Oct 11, 2017 | Updates
We are proud to announce that the fire tax motion for summary judgment has been filed and is set for hearing on December 8th. The motion is accompanied by hundreds of affidavits from fee payers and hundreds more pages of evidence gleaned from the 13,000 pages of...
Jul 25, 2017 | Updates
This week the Legislature passed Assembly Bill 398, purportedly designed to curb carbon emissions. This will lead to another increase of 71 cents on a gallon of gasoline. This comes on top of the 12 cent increase they just approved. (There seems to be no end to the...
Jul 11, 2017 | Updates
Over the last year, politicians in Sacramento have been negotiating the extension of California’s so-called “cap and trade” law which is intended to address the issue of climate change. Last night, the governor and legislative leaders announced a proposal to link the...
Jun 8, 2017 | Updates
A big thank you to all who have submitted information about their experience with the fire fee. We heard from over one thousand of you! As a result, we received hundreds of affidavits demonstrating the illegitimacy of the fee all over California. We will attach these...
Apr 5, 2017 | Updates
We have finished reviewing and classifying the 12,000 pages of documentation we obtained from CalFire through discovery! We now need your help to file our “Motion for Summary Judgment.” The final evidence needed for our “Motion for Summary Judgment” is written...