HJTA’s legal team has been overloaded with cases important to taxpayers and working hard to meet deadlines set by the superior courts, appellate courts, and the CA Supreme Court. But while our other cases have been advancing in these other courts, our Fire Tax case has been stalled out in the Sacramento Superior Court.
We have heard you, and we agree that the Fire Tax Lawsuit has gone on long enough. HJTA’s legal team is moving the Fire Tax case to top priority.
Although the Court has not given us any case timeline, the members of our legal team have set deadlines for themselves and mapped out a plan to get a final judgement on this case.
In the next four months, the legal team will be combing through 12,000 pages of CalFire’s documents related to Fire Tax expenditures. By the end of this upcoming January, we should be finishing our fact gathering. Once we have all the facts to prove our case, we will ask the judge for a final decision.
That’s all the information we can release for now to avoid tipping the opposition off to our strategy. But we will be sending out another email in January or February to update you on our progress and inform you of our next steps.